Thursday, August 7, 2008

projects from AU

OK here's a peak at my started projects long ways to go on both....but love em.. A haunted house.. and the starting of a fun book.
fun visiting with everyone again yesterday.... and thanks to all that shopped at the store...I have a class at the store tonight..grunged book 6-8pm cool little book to carry with you.. Friday & Saturday I plan on sticking around till 6pm for you late shoppers.. so come visit.....


Dina said...

It was great to meet you yesterday...I will come in & shop at your lovely store sometime soon!

Debbie Bick said...

oh hi Dina thanks....thanks so much for the machine stiches looks to see your book when you finish...
have fun come visit..

Rella said...

Your book from D.J.'s class is looking lovely............that was a pretty intense day.......and I am no where near ready to put my book together. I hope to head down to see you one of these days.....shall I bring my fan??? :)

xo Rella